About us
our vision
““The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.” – Luke 6:40 KJV
It is easy to agree with the first half of this word, but what about the latter part? A more modern translation states “but when he is fully trained, he will be like his teacher”. This is the call that is upon every child of God: to become fully trained as… “unto full stature”. These are not little children but “fully grown”, mature sons of God that have yielded themselves to the process of training and growth to be as the Master.
Further, God is seeking for this people, for those who desire personal growth and development, and to mature corporately as, “a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish”. Eph. 5:27
This church is to be a people who, as the apostle Paul states, are “…reaching forward to those things which are ahead,” and are “pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Phil 3:13-14
Thus, the vision of UFSM is for a Church that, in this hour, is growing up into full stature: “the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ”. Eph. 4:13
This involves both an individual and a corporate (local church) calling.
Believers are called “to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29
The Church is called to be “His Body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all.” Eph 1:23 God is working to equip and build up the Body under the headship of Christ
“In Whom (Jesus Christ) the building fitly framed together grows unto a Holy Temple in the Lord: in whom you are also built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit Eph 2: 21-22
“… that Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself for it, that he might sanctify it and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, and that He might present it to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” Eph 5:25-27 This is a people who have given themselves toward a proper preparation so they might be made ready, as a bride for her husband.
our vision
““The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.” – Luke 6:40 KJV
It is easy to agree with the first half of this word, but what about the latter part? A more modern translation states “but when he is fully trained, he will be like his teacher”. This is the call that is upon every child of God: to become fully trained as… “unto full stature”. These are not little children but “fully grown”, mature sons of God that have yielded themselves to the process of training and growth to be as the Master.
Further, God is seeking for this people, for those who desire personal growth and development, and to mature corporately as, “a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish”. Eph. 5:27
This church is to be a people who, as the apostle Paul states, are “…reaching forward to those things which are ahead,” and are “pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Phil 3:13-14
Thus, the vision of UFSM is for a Church that, in this hour, is growing up into full stature: “the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ”. Eph. 4:13
This involves both an individual and a corporate (local church) calling.
Believers are called “to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29
The Church is called to be “His Body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all.” Eph 1:23 God is working to equip and build up the Body under the headship of Christ
“In Whom (Jesus Christ) the building fitly framed together grows unto a Holy Temple in the Lord: in whom you are also built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit Eph 2: 21-22
“… that Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself for it, that he might sanctify it and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, and that He might present it to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” Eph 5:25-27 This is a people who have given themselves toward a proper preparation so they might be made ready, as a bride for her husband.
This is the burden of Unto Full Stature Ministries: to develop in this day individual disciples and a corporate body with a vibrant passion to see God’s purposes fully established in their lives…moving beyond religion and unto the experiential reality of their high calling in Christ Jesus.
“Him we proclaim warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ!” Col. 1:28
our history
The ministry, Unto Full Stature Ministries (UFSM), is quite recent in origin but dates back many years in conception. 1973 was the year I, and now some of the “older” members of my home church, began to fellowship with Sergio Valori of the Reading, PA area. Sergio was a very godly man gripped by a calling to exhort the Church towards maturity. Our relationship grew over the years and I began to relate to Sergio as a spiritual father in the faith. Eventually there was a joining as one with his vision of the need for spiritual maturity in the Body of Christ. There just seemed to be so much “settling” and “instability” in the Church and among its members. Sergio’s heart was revealed through his messages and writings, as exemplified in the last book that he wrote, “On To Maturity.” Other books, such as: “The Glorious Bride,” Ascent to Zion,” and “Perfection, A Neglected Theme,” all show consistency and focus of the vision, i.e., spiritual maturity or fullness of stature.
It was through Sergio’s semi-annual conferences, then called “Pastor’s Retreats,” that I was introduced to the ministry of Devern Fromke, author of the books “Unto Full Stature,” “Ultimate Intention,” and “Life’s Ultimate Privileges” to name a few. Thus, the concept of spiritual growth and maturity for the believer and the church was reinforced and made even clearer and enhanced through these two brothers. It was in these conferences we were brought into contact with other ministries such as George Warnock and Glady Eshwaraj of India who also embraced this vision in the work of their ministries.
In the early 1980’s I was one of a handful of brothers Sergio Valori gathered together to seek to develop a corporate entity that would promote this vision of spiritual maturity in conferences, church visitations, newsletters, and missions. Over the years this fellowship of ministries served this purpose in general, though pursuing other goals as well. It had become a more broad-based ministry. It was not until the death of Sergio Valori in June 2015 that myself and some of the brethren, who were at that time very involved in this fellowship of ministries, felt the call to bring forth a new ministry. This ministry would not only hold true to the vision upon the hearts of Valori, Fromke, and others but would endeavor to bring the reality of this vision into the working lives of the Church. It would be a more focused ministry.
On December 18, 2015, a meeting was held with these brothers to spend time together to prayerfully seek the mind of the Lord for His purpose and calling upon our lives and the possible calling forth of a new corporate ministry. The time together was simply refreshing as there was such unity of minds and a kindred of spirits. Hearts were open and sensitive to one another as each spoke of the burden and vision upon them. There was such unity among us, and by a strong encouragement from individuals and churches at home and abroad, that we determined to move directly and boldly into this emergent ministry, we now call: Unto Full Stature Ministries.
The name, Unto Full Stature Ministries, reveals the nature and calling of this ministry:
“Unto” indicates a vision, a goal being pursued. Thus, it is a work in progress. Not everything in our Christian walk is “automatic,” but in reality, there needs to be a continuing cooperative effort, governed by faith, between the individual and the work of the Holy Spirit. In Christ Jesus, there are beginnings, there are ongoing spiritual workings, and there is an ultimate, a goal, a destiny. Settling causes one to fall short.
“Full Stature” clearly indicates fullness of that vision i.e., growth toward spiritual maturity or unto full stature. Eph. 4.13 speaks of the individual believer, as well as the Church, becoming a mature man, towards a greater measure of the stature of Christ. Thus it speaks of character modification, of a functioning body of believers, and of spiritual and emotional stability. It is a reaching forth toward a high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
“Ministries” indicates this is neither a personal ministry nor a fellowship for various ministries, nor an evangelistic organization, pastor’s association, or a church. UFSM has received its calling to serve as a manifold-ministry, after the similitude of the workings of the five-fold ministries of Eph. 4.11, given by Christ for the maturity of the Church and individual members thereof. Paul said that he labored, striving, that he and others would “present every man perfect (mature) in Christ.” Col. 2.28,29. And Peter prayed that God would, “perfect, establish, strengthen and settle,” the Church. 1Peter 5.10 Thus the overarching and fundamental purpose of UFSM is for the building up (edification) of the Church to spiritually stable, established, and mature Christians and to a functioning body of believers.
The term ministries also apply to the multiple realms of service. UFSM’s goal is to serve the Church, the Body of Christ, in the following ways: a newsletter with articles and messages for encouragement and edification; local church ministries to help establish, strengthen and settle the local church; regional conferences to present the vision of spiritual maturity to gatherings of Churches and church leaders; a Silas Ministry for those sensing a call into ministry but feel a need for direction and focus; and a website for posting teachings, other readings, and announcements.
We seek to connect with those of a like mind and kindred spirit by way of interaction on the website or by specially arranged meetings. We ask for prayerful support and candid feedback from those receiving this ministry.
our team

Dan Devitis
Daniel P. DeVitis has served in ministry for 45 years. Since 1972 he has overseen a home church, Immanuel Fellowship, Shippensburg, PA, where he currently resides with his wife Petra. He was a professor of Geography and Earth Science at Shippensburg University until his retirement in 2003. While at the University he served as faculty advisor to the Student Christian Fellowship for over 30 years. He was fortunate to serve closely in ministry with Sergio Valori as senior elders in Christ Ministerial Fellowship for many years. He has spoken at numerous conferences and various churches across the USA, in Canada, India, and Colombia. He has written a few booklets, authored a newsletter, and published numerous articles–primarily focusing on concepts of spiritual maturity for the local church and individual believers. He now serves as an elder in the emergent Unto Full Stature Ministries where he continues to author a newsletter, write articles, and speak at conferences and churches at home and abroad.
Gary Simmons
Gary has been walking with the Lord, though imperfectly, for almost five decades. He’s a chemical engineer by training, so scientific method and observation have always been important; but he’s a disciple by calling – always being challenged to look upon the “unseen things”, which are eternal, and to seek the life which is hidden with Christ in God. After an early revelation of Jesus Christ in his life, he knew that he could never be satisfied with the things of this world.
Gary has had the opportunity to sit under, or work closely with, a number of wonderful teachers and leaders, such as Sergio Valori, Annette Marsnik, Jewel Courtney, and Gary Rich, and has had rich fellowship with many others. He currently pastors New Foundation Church in Easley, SC.

George Gelewski
I was saved in 1971 during the outpouring of God’s Spirit known as the Jesus People Revival. Within weeks of being saved 1 found myself involved in teaching and street witnessing. That
was the norm for that time and many young people were touched. A core group formed and we moved into church settings where God worked in our lives to bring growth and a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We were blessed to come in contact with many powerful ministries that began to instill a vision for carrying the burden of the Lord for our day.
This vision, and ever-increasing one, is filled with the realization that we have been called to fullness, maturity, and conformity to the image of God’s Son! Let us press toward the mark of this high ABOUT US The Spiritual Man Series
calling! I live in New Jersey with my wife Maria and are involved with others in pastoring a local church, along with a traveling ministry focused on teaching and preaching God’s word
from a unique perspective.
Julius Midodo
I reside in Homa Bay, Kenya with my wife Justine and blessed with six children. In 1991 I received Christ as my Savior and was ordained to serve as senior pastor with PEFA (Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa) in 1999. I received a Bachelor in Theology degree in 2009 from the Catholic University of East Africa. In 2009 I was appointed bishop for the PEFA Pala District consisting of 14 churches. In 2019 I have appointed as the PEFA South Lake Region general secretary a post that I still hold to date. I founded and oversee the Pala Liberty Foundation Kenya, a private school of 260 and an orphanage of 60 children. My highest priority in life is to walk in the fullness of our Lord’s calling upon my life and to serve the Body of Christ.

James Koser
James Koser is an elder/teacher in Immanuel Fellowship Shippensburg, with extension to the Body of Christ at large. Besides ministering at IFS he has taught at church conferences in Canada, India, and the USA. He serves as the Head Administrator at Carlisle Christian Academy. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Shippensburg University in 2003 and then went on to earn his Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University. James lives in Carlisle with his wife, Virginia, and son, Elijah and loves spending time with them camping, hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities together. He has many favorite Bible verses and loves talking about the Word of God with people and helping them to grow in their faith. One verse he frequently read is Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith.”
Joseph Rozario
Joseph Rozario has been walking with the Lord since 1975 when he was saved while serving in the Indian Airforce. He came out of the force in 1977 and was trained under brother Glady Eashwaraj, a real man of God, closely associated with brother Sergio Valorie. Living closely with brother Glady, watching his Christ-like life, though for a limited time only, challenged him to seek after those things, BEYOND PENTECOST. Being married to Beaulah Dorothy in 1980 and subsequently blessed with 4 children, (Priya, Joshua, Hepsibah & Caleb), after Glady’s home call in 1982, he shifted to Rajasthan state in India from New Delhi. In Ajmer, he and his family served the Lord till 2010. In 2010, he had to shift to Bangalore ( South India), his hometown, where he is presently living, being a part of the local church, Intouch Fellowship, where he is assisting the local body of Christ. He had met Bro. Sergio in 1982 and had been in close fellowship with CMF until his home call. Subsequently, he has committed himself to UFSM under the leadership of Bro. Dan DeVitis and associated ministers. Presently Joseph has been inactive fellowship with few other like-minded Christian leaders in other parts of his country, visiting them from time to time to encourage them. He is also trying to assist the persecuted Christians in India, these days.

Dan Devitis
Daniel P. DeVitis has served in ministry for 45 years. Since 1972 he has overseen a home church, Immanuel Fellowship, Shippensburg, PA, where he currently resides with his wife Petra. He was a professor of Geography and Earth Science at Shippensburg University until his retirement in 2003. While at the University he served as faculty advisor to the Student Christian Fellowship for over 30 years. He was fortunate to serve closely in ministry with Sergio Valori as senior elders in Christ Ministerial Fellowship for many years. He has spoken at numerous conferences and various churches across the USA, in Canada, India, and Colombia. He has written a few booklets, authored a newsletter, and published numerous articles–primarily focusing on concepts of spiritual maturity for the local church and individual believers. He now serves as an elder in the emergent Unto Full Stature Ministries where he continues to author a newsletter, write articles, and speak at conferences and churches at home and abroad.

Gary Simmons
Gary has been walking with the Lord, though imperfectly, for almost five decades. He’s a chemical engineer by training, so scientific method and observation have always been important; but he’s a disciple by calling – always being challenged to look upon the “unseen things”, which are eternal, and to seek the life which is hidden with Christ in God. After an early revelation of Jesus Christ in his life, he knew that he could never be satisfied with the things of this world.
Gary has had the opportunity to sit under, or work closely with, a number of wonderful teachers and leaders, such as Sergio Valori, Annette Marsnik, Jewel Courtney, and Gary Rich, and has had rich fellowship with many others. He currently pastors New Foundation Church in Easley, SC.

George Gelewski
I was saved in 1971 during the outpouring of God’s Spirit known as the Jesus People Revival. Within weeks of being saved 1 found myself involved in teaching and street witnessing. That
was the norm for that time and many young people were touched. A core group formed and we moved into church settings where God worked in our lives to bring growth and a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We were blessed to come in contact with many powerful ministries that began to instill a vision for carrying the burden of the Lord for our day.
This vision, and ever-increasing one, is filled with the realization that we have been called to fullness, maturity, and conformity to the image of God’s Son! Let us press toward the mark of this high ABOUT US The Spiritual Man Series
calling! I live in New Jersey with my wife Maria and are involved with others in pastoring a local church, along with a traveling ministry focused on teaching and preaching God’s word
from a unique perspective.

Julius Midodo
I reside in Homa Bay, Kenya with my wife Justine and blessed with six children. In 1991 I received Christ as my Savior and was ordained to serve as senior pastor with PEFA (Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa) in 1999. I received a Bachelor in Theology degree in 2009 from the Catholic University of East Africa. In 2009 I was appointed bishop for the PEFA Pala District consisting of 14 churches. In 2019 I have appointed as the PEFA South Lake Region general secretary a post that I still hold to date. I founded and oversee the Pala Liberty Foundation Kenya, a private school of 260 and an orphanage of 60 children. My highest priority in life is to walk in the fullness of our Lord’s calling upon my life and to serve the Body of Christ.

James Koser
James Koser is an elder/teacher in Immanuel Fellowship Shippensburg, with extension to the Body of Christ at large. Besides ministering at IFS he has taught at church conferences in Canada, India, and the USA. He serves as the Head Administrator at Carlisle Christian Academy. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Shippensburg University in 2003 and then went on to earn his Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University. James lives in Carlisle with his wife, Virginia, and son, Elijah and loves spending time with them camping, hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities together. He has many favorite Bible verses and loves talking about the Word of God with people and helping them to grow in their faith. One verse he frequently read is Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith.”

Joseph Rozario
Joseph Rozario has been walking with the Lord since 1975 when he was saved while serving in the Indian Airforce. He came out of the force in 1977 and was trained under brother Glady Eashwaraj, a real man of God, closely associated with brother Sergio Valorie. Living closely with brother Glady, watching his Christ-like life, though for a limited time only, challenged him to seek after those things, BEYOND PENTECOST. Being married to Beaulah Dorothy in 1980 and subsequently blessed with 4 children, (Priya, Joshua, Hepsibah & Caleb), after Glady’s home call in 1982, he shifted to Rajasthan state in India from New Delhi. In Ajmer, he and his family served the Lord till 2010. In 2010, he had to shift to Bangalore ( South India), his hometown, where he is presently living, being a part of the local church, Intouch Fellowship, where he is assisting the local body of Christ. He had met Bro. Sergio in 1982 and had been in close fellowship with CMF until his home call. Subsequently, he has committed himself to UFSM under the leadership of Bro. Dan DeVitis and associated ministers. Presently Joseph has been inactive fellowship with few other like-minded Christian leaders in other parts of his country, visiting them from time to time to encourage them. He is also trying to assist the persecuted Christians in India, these days.