learn more about our ministries
The ministry is the point of function and personal contact. Those of Unto Full Stature Ministries have all been part of the following ministries for many years:
These are the practical areas in which those in UFSM offer themselves to connect with others in the faith, in the hope, as with the apostle Paul,
“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift (blessing, or endowment), to the end ye may be established;” Rm. 1:11
Regional Conferences
Most often a local church or local ministry will host the event for their area. The conference may be held at a local church or at a nearby facility such as a conference or retreat center. The event is open to churches and ministries of the extended area. The outreach and invitation to local churches and ministries is the responsibility of the host(s). UFSM, where possible, will work with the local host(s) in the logistics of the conferences deciding times, location, facilities, kinds of meetings, etc. The focus of the conference remains the same as for all UFSM events: to bring a fuller understanding and encouragement to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus towards spiritual maturity and to help edify and strengthen the local churches and ministries of that area.
No other financial burden is placed upon the host(s) than the cost of hosting the event, which may be funded by a participant registration fee. Members of the UFSM mission team seek to finance their own travel costs through a local church or other support.
Want to Host a Regional Conference?
Silas Ministry
The UFSM Silas Ministry is rather unique and emergent. Its goal is to identify individuals who sense a call upon their lives towards a ministry but do not understand the nature of this calling, nor the direction this calling is to take them. The focus of UFSM is not but does not necessarily exclude elements of evangelism, worship leader, pastoring, or Sunday school teaching. The Silas Ministry is designed to equip the individual to minister to the Body of Christ, either the local church or, as in missions, the Church at large, a message of encouragement to go on, beyond the realms of denominationalism, religious activities in general, and/or settling in elementary doctrines of the faith. The ministry develops a clear understanding of the current situation of the Church, and the vision for its higher calling unto full stature in Christ, and what is required to press on.
Where possible, depending on accessibility, there is initially a one-on-one or mentoring towards a few believers. Also included are small group Skype sessions. Eventually, a Silas Ministry Conference or retreat is held at a particular church or conference/retreat center. Here, a weekend is spent in instruction, counseling, and prayer.
Want to be a part of Silas Ministry?
Leadership Conference
The elders of UFSM have for many years been involved in foreign missions—principally to India, Colombia, and Haiti. A similar ministry has extended to neighboring Canada. Missions have all focused on “Leadership Conferences,” mainly for pastors, elders, and other church leaders. Frequently the conferences are held in more than one city of the country. Close contacts of that area have worked with us in setting up the logistics of the conferences and extending invitations to church leaders and ministries with whom they have been in contact. These believers, they feel, are receptive to the challenge to press on towards fuller stature in Christ, both individually and corporately for their churches.
Leadership Conferences can vary, but are usually two to three days long. The time together is divided between teachings that stress the upward call of God in Christ Jesus towards spiritual maturity, times of personal interactions, counseling for various personal and local church issues, and prayer. The objective of such conferences is to be an aid to strengthen and establish church leaders who may in turn minister the same to their churches. It is hoped that a link may be formed between the church leaders and those of UFSM for future reinforcement through communications and conferences. No other financial burden is placed upon the host(s) other than the cost of hosting the event, which may be funded by a minimum participant registration fee. Members of the UFSM mission team seek to finance their own travel costs through local church or other support.
Want to Host a Leadership Conference?
Summary Report:
UFSM Website
The overarching goal for the UFSM website is to first of all provide a platform for bringing forth sound teaching in the realm of “higher calling”…spiritual maturity”…“full Stature,” to the Church, the Body of Christ. This is a focused ministry. UFSM seeks to bring a fuller understanding of these truths, and to help strengthen and establish the local church and the individual believer in the faith. “On to Maturity!” This goal is pursued through monthly articles, a collection of readings, and by audio/video messages, and with some ongoing translations.
Secondly, the website seeks to connect together those desiring this walk of faith. Our faith must be practical and not just theoretical. We (the UFSM elders) desire to connect personally with those receiving of this ministry. Thus, we appreciate feedback, questions, concerns, and requests.
Thirdly, we wish to make known upcoming UFSM events so that “whosoever will” and are able may participate.
For feedback, questions & prayer requests?

Local Church Ministry
Generally, two to three UFSM elders will minister at a local church for an extended weekend, e.g., Friday evening through Sunday morning. Besides times of sharing at gatherings and services, time is spent interacting with the local church leaders: pastors, elders, boards, worship leaders, Sunday school teachers, etc., and with individual church members. The call to press on towards a higher calling of fuller stature and spiritual maturity is reinforced. An attempt is made to edify the local church, strengthen its spiritual government, establish individual ministries, and counsel in areas of concern.
Want to Host a Local Church Ministry?

Regional Conferences
Most often a local church or local ministry will host the event for their area. The conference may be held at a local church or at a nearby facility such as a conference or retreat center. The event is open to churches and ministries of the extended area. The outreach and invitation to local churches and ministries is the responsibility of the host(s). UFSM, where possible, will work with the local host(s) in the logistics of the conferences deciding times, location, facilities, kinds of meetings, etc. The focus of the conference remains the same as for all UFSM events: to bring a fuller understanding and encouragement to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus towards spiritual maturity and to help edify and strengthen the local churches and ministries of that area.
No other financial burden is placed upon the host(s) than the cost of hosting the event, which may be funded by a participant registration fee. Members of the UFSM mission team seek to finance their own travel costs through a local church or other support.
Want to Host a Regional Conference?

Silas Ministry
The UFSM Silas Ministry is rather unique and emergent. Its goal is to identify individuals who sense a call upon their lives towards a ministry but do not understand the nature of this calling, nor the direction this calling is to take them. The focus of UFSM is not but does not necessarily exclude elements of evangelism, worship leader, pastoring, or Sunday school teaching. The Silas Ministry is designed to equip the individual to minister to the Body of Christ, either the local church or, as in missions, the Church at large, a message of encouragement to go on, beyond the realms of denominationalism, religious activities in general, and/or settling in elementary doctrines of the faith. The ministry develops a clear understanding of the current situation of the Church, and the vision for its higher calling unto full stature in Christ, and what is required to press on.
Where possible, depending on accessibility, there is initially a one-on-one or mentoring towards a few believers. Also included are small group Skype sessions. Eventually, a Silas Ministry Conference or retreat is held at a particular church or conference/retreat center. Here, a weekend is spent in instruction, counseling, and prayer.
Want to be a part of Silas Ministry?

Leadership Conference
The elders of UFSM have for many years been involved in foreign missions—principally to India, Colombia, and Haiti. A similar ministry has extended to neighboring Canada. Missions have all focused on “Leadership Conferences,” mainly for pastors, elders, and other church leaders. Frequently the conferences are held in more than one city of the country. Close contacts of that area have worked with us in setting up the logistics of the conferences and extending invitations to church leaders and ministries with whom they have been in contact. These believers, they feel, are receptive to the challenge to press on towards fuller stature in Christ, both individually and corporately for their churches.
Leadership Conferences can vary, but are usually two to three days long. The time together is divided between teachings that stress the upward call of God in Christ Jesus towards spiritual maturity, times of personal interactions, counseling for various personal and local church issues, and prayer. The objective of such conferences is to be an aid to strengthen and establish church leaders who may in turn minister the same to their churches. It is hoped that a link may be formed between the church leaders and those of UFSM for future reinforcement through communications and conferences. No other financial burden is placed upon the host(s) other than the cost of hosting the event, which may be funded by a minimum participant registration fee. Members of the UFSM mission team seek to finance their own travel costs through local church or other support.
Want to Host a Leadership Conference?
Summary Report:

UFSM Website
The overarching goal for the UFSM website is to first of all provide a platform for bringing forth sound teaching in the realm of “higher calling”…spiritual maturity”…“full Stature,” to the Church, the Body of Christ. This is a focused ministry. UFSM seeks to bring a fuller understanding of these truths, and to help strengthen and establish the local church and the individual believer in the faith. “On to Maturity!” This goal is pursued through monthly articles, a collection of readings, and by audio/video messages, and with some ongoing translations.
Secondly, the website seeks to connect together those desiring this walk of faith. Our faith must be practical and not just theoretical. We (the UFSM elders) desire to connect personally with those receiving of this ministry. Thus, we appreciate feedback, questions, concerns, and requests.
Thirdly, we wish to make known upcoming UFSM events so that “whosoever will” and are able may participate.
For feedback, questions & prayer requests?