Summary Report: India Ministry Trip June 5 – 21, 2018

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Dear Friends and Family in Christ,

I am now home sitting in the comfort of my recliner chair. The moment of holding Petra in my arms again was the most precious climax to an intense 17 day ministry trip that far exceeded what I could have ever thought or hoped for. The success of a ministry trip such as this could never be achieve without being built upon a foundation of prayer; undoubtedly, your prayers, and all the many prayers that have gone forth, for safety, anointing, and very importantly a spiritual impartation to be made. All enabled this ministry to touch many souls.

Everywhere we went, without exception, the cry of the heart seemed to be, “Where do I go from here?” Many, quite innocently, have adjusted their lives to a religious kind of traditional routine. This routine is personal, as often one is found settling into a religious pattern. Simply changing the pattern of the routine will not benefit if a personal understanding of the Lord’s calling is limited. The message of the upward call of God upon their lives brought a refreshing, uplifting and challenging word. A greater spiritual goal to press towards was envisioned.

Kasauli: The trip began with about a 36 hour travel from Shippensburg, PA to Kasauli, India. Three days were spent here with Ekklesia Church Retreat, Primjeet Titus pastor. He and his wife Mona were most gracious hosts. The guests included both those of Ekklesia Church and invited pastors and others in church leadership. The days of ministry there were precious and I believe is only the initiation into something more. I wish I could list the names of all those whose lives touched mine in a real way.

Delhi: A day was spent in Delhi meeting with individuals desiring both fellowship and some counseling with Joshua and myself. My eyes were open to some unique situations of what some Christians must endure in this land.

Jodhpur: Flying into Jodhpur was entering India’s desert region. Ministering at 108F was a new experience. After a few hours you could now see my wet stained shirt​ as the whole shirt was wet, so it was just a little darker blue in color:) My bottled water was like warm bath water (clean of course). I would do it again, and again, and again. O what precious people. Pastor Richard Jones and wife Priya opened their home and hearts to us. Parents Stanley and Sara Jones have a place in my heart that will never leave. I believe a seed was sown of an upward call of God in the minds and hearts of those of Yeshua Church.

Ajmer: What was to be a 4 hour train ride to Ajmer was actually 12 hours due to railroad construction. The meetings at the Holy City Church in Ajmer seemed like a crescendo to the word. Something was happening as a greater vision was being formed in word and worship. Following a time in the word Joshua led in a time of sober, reverent worship. Some were on their knees, others wept before the Lord.

Bangalore: A long taxi ride to the Jaipur airport followed for a flight to Bangalore. Three venues of ministry opened here. The first were two Sunday meetings at In Touch Church, Joji Thomas pastor. This was followed a day later with messages at a seminar being hosted at In Touch Church. I was so moved by some pastors who traveled 12 hours in un-air conditioned train to be with us. Should not these men have something of substance with which to return home? Once again, I believe was an impartation and a spiritual strengthening, in the presented word. A following day small group meeting at Joseph Rozario’s home culminated our meetings. It was a time of sharing in the word, deep worship, prayer, fellowship, and a scrumptious dinner by Dorothy (Joseph Rozario’s Wife)

Joshua Rozario accompanied me throughout the time of ministry. We functioned as one-heart. Gripped with the vision of the need to worship in the Most Holy Place, he ministered and reinforced the word in worship. I have adopted him as my spiritual son. While I am adopting, I have done so with the entire Rozario family, they are my spiritual family in Christ. They treated me as royalty and displayed a humbling love and respect for me. They also made sure my Indian food was not too spicy, took me to various interesting dinners, and escorted me to many places, and just spending time together. “Tell me, Uncle…” preceded many a question. 

I cannot recall how many one-on-one times of ministry: counseling, prayers, teaching, exhorting, etc. during this time in India. The Indians are a warm people. They have a real and genuine hunger for the higher things of God. They do not fear long hours of travel, days away from home, long(er) meetings, or spending and/or sharing traveling costs with one another with what little money (rupees) they have. Their simple drive is to gain understanding and a higher walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

​So much more could be written but of course we have limited time and space here. I owe so many acknowledgements and thanks to so many individuals. All I can do is to give a blanket love and thanks to all who prayed for, encouraged, and stood-by me throughout this ministry​, a ministry in which they all have a share.

May our Lord bless you.

Your fellow companion in this journey,


Picture of Daniel DeVitis

Daniel DeVitis

Daniel P. DeVitis (Dan) has served in ministry for over 50 years. Since 1972 he has overseen a home church, Immanuel Fellowship, Shippensburg, PA, where he currently resides with his wife Petra. He was a professor of Geography and Earth Science at Shippensburg University until his retirement in 2003. He now serves as an elder in Unto Full Stature Ministries where he continues to author newsletters, write articles, and speak at leadership conferences and churches at and abroad.
Picture of Daniel DeVitis

Daniel DeVitis

Daniel P. DeVitis (Dan) has served in ministry for over 50 years. Since 1972 he has overseen a home church, Immanuel Fellowship, Shippensburg, PA, where he currently resides with his wife Petra. He was a professor of Geography and Earth Science at Shippensburg University until his retirement in 2003. He now serves as an elder in Unto Full Stature Ministries where he continues to author newsletters, write articles, and speak at leadership conferences and churches at and abroad.

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