
Tis Grace
– Dan DeVitis Among many ministers, there seems to be a fear, or reluctance, to preach a message much beyond that of the real saving

Christ Be Formed in You
– Bill Corman Christ Be Formed in You Immanuel Fellowship Shippensburg, PA There is little written in the scriptures about Jesus from the time of

After This: A Further Revelation of Jesus Christ
– Gary Simmons New Foundations Church Easley, SC Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven… Every fresh move forward

Not Many Fathers
– Dan DeVitis Foreword. This message is woven around much of my spiritual life experience with two spiritual fathers in the faith. It represents the basis

The Present Purpose of God
What is God saying Today? “A striking feature of our times is that so few of the voices have a distinctive message. There is a

– Joseph Rozario (Bangalore, India) by UFSM FEBRUARY 08, 2018 IN UNCATEGORIZED NO COMMENTS 463 RETURNING TO GOD’S ORIGINAL PURPOSE Joseph Rozario Bangalore, India Whatever God created, He created